Monday, August 25, 2008

"Inspirations" column

In this column, I'll post some videos, music, or whatever I come across that really highlights the important things in life.

FYI, Randy Pausch's lecture on achieving childhood dreams is also known as The Last Lecture. Literally speaking, it was his last lecture (he died of pancreatic cancer back in July '08). If you happen to be bored and have an hour to spare, do watch this video. You won't regret it.

Sunday, August 24, 2008


I went for a talk this morning (some call it a sermon) and the priest was talking about power, since today's reading mentions Jesus handing the key of Heaven to His apostle, Peter. The key is a symbol of power for the church (the Pope's coat of arms has 2 keys, symbolizing his power). Enough of sermons, here's what I think about power, and the people who are entrusted with it.

Power (or authority) is supposed to be given to, not fought for. Just like in the bible, Jesus entrusts the keys of Heaven to Peter. He did not fight with the other apostles over it. There was no power struggle of any sort. Power works best in the hands of those who serve, who use it for the common good and for the good of others. In the hands of fools, fools who wield it like a hammer (or "keris"; sound familiar?), power can be destructive, both to the fool, and to the people around.

The same rule applies today, as it did back then. I have experienced two different definitions of leadership. In school, leadership was all about power. Whoever played into the good books of the club adviser stood a better chance of getting higher posts. Backstabbing and politicking was not uncommon. Even though that was high school, I doubt things are much different in the working world and I'm sure most of you have experienced this kind of "power".

The second type, one I experienced in the youth ministry in church, was different. There were no merits, no special treatment, no extra points or whatsoever for those who held leadership positions. We were there for a reason - to serve. Of course, this does not apply for churches everywhere, I'm just sharing my experience of serving others.

Here's something to ponder upon, especially for those in power or are vying for a leadership post. Why are you doing it? To benefit yourself, or the community?

Why am I doing this?

For most of you who know me, I don't actually blog, neither do I read blogs. So why am I doing this?

Well, being a varsity student, I'm supposed to be thinking outside the box, thinking maturely, thinking about my future, and thinking about loads of other thinking stuff (you UNI students should get my drift). So I thought, why not publish some of my thoughts? This way, not only can I remember what I thought about a particular topic, but other people can save some time by not thinking about it (I have NO idea who reads blogs). Of course, this is just my side of the coin. So any of you who happen to disagree with anything on this blog, by all means, leave a comment or post your own thoughts. For those who agree, post your comments just the same.

Another reason I'm starting this blog is because of my sis. Yea, the person who's supposed to tell you what's right and what's wrong based on their experiences (kind of like a 2nd mom), which is good. I wouldn't have started anything if not for her. Thanks, sis!