Tuesday, September 16, 2008


In light of the recent ruckus back home, I've finally decided 2 share what I think of politics back home. Sure, I know most of us will have the same opinion that Badawi does a great job in promoting racism, corruption,  and whatever else that UMNO is capable of doing (Najib is worse, mind you). Seems that they have forgotten why they were voted in the first place - to bring Malaysia to greater hights, to improve the standard of ALL Malaysians, regardless of race and belief. (It would be a whole lot better if a local university were to accept base on merit, and not race, as it does now. Don't worry so much about world rankings. If we get a truly Malaysian University, the ranking will go up on its own. Malaysians are smart, if only we were given the chance)

I am also aware that Malaysians are turning to a so called 'Saviour' - Anwar Ibrahim, to turn things around. Some have gone to the extent of 'worshipping' him, singing his praises everywhere. The Pakatan Rakyat, or so the opposition calls itself, is not all that much better than BN. Here are some reasons why:

Let's start with Anwar. Being a former DPM (Deputy Prime Minister), he was involved with UMNO and Mahathir (the father of corruption, I'd call him) and all the UMNO hocus-pocus. What changed? Did he get a vision in prison telling him to turn from his sins? Did he mix with the right crowd in prison? Did he become straight (no more intersted in guys)? Or is this all just for revenge? People never change, even if they wanted to. If he really wanted to take over the government, he'd have done so sooner. Why the wait? He became a MP back in August. Now the economy is suffering due to political unstability. Who're the losers? The Rakyat, who, unsurprisingly, are supporting Anwar eventhough he lied about Sept 16. (He's probably lying about the 30 crossovers too. Only 1 way to find out)

On to DAP. DAP has always condemned UMNO's racist approach to government, but to me,  it's just a pot calling a kettle black. DAP has always stood for the rights of Chinese Malaysians. However, seldom do we see Malay and Indian MPs hailing from DAP. I attended one of DAP's campaigns back in Malacca. They make racist remarks every two sentences or so. They would love to have more Malay and Indian candidates, but only to look multiracial. Not really an ideal ruling party. 

PAS, my least favourite of the 3 Pakatan Rakyat parties. Nothing much I can say, except that Malaysia was never meant to be an Islamic country. 

Why then, am I writing this? I want Badawi and his UMNO aristocrats to leave. Malaysia has suffered so much as it is. The only way for this to happen is for the Pakatan Rakyat, the lesser of two devils, to take over. And keep praying for a true Malaysian to take over someday and to harness Malaysia's true potential as a resource-rich, talent-filled, multi-racial, peaceful utopia.


  1. finally, someone who's talking sense!

  2. hopefully they (ISA) dun go after anybody who writes negatively about badawi.. or else.. oh yea.. no jurisdiction here.. hahaha..

  3. I love your point of view
    I was reading this after I disconnected the connection
    But decided to connect to the internet back again just to leave this message
    See, I'm so good
    Chendol bila?

  4. haha.. thx 4 d comment.. cendol dis weekend!! haha.. balik kampung.. haha
