Wednesday, October 1, 2008


This clip really got me thinking - how teachers aren't supposed to just teach a subject, but to also bring out the best in his students. As Prof. Randy Pausch puts it, dream enablers. How often do we come across teachers who really care about their students and try their best to see them succeed, not just academically but also socially, emotionally and spiritually? You're truly blessed if you've met one. I know I am.

Just a thought: With a teachers workload nowadays, I don't blame them for not being able to care. In fact, I'm amazed they can remember so many names. Too many students, too few teachers. The Malaysian education system is seriously flawed in many ways, but I'd say its greatest flaw is that it fails to recognise non-academic talent. So what if some people can't remember all seven food classes? So what if some people screw up all the dates in Islamic history? All that matters is maturity of thought and creativity, the ability to think outside the box. Honestly, there are people who excel academically but still lack these basic skills. And we wonder why graduates aren't able to find employment. The system has got to go.


  1. That's very considerate of you dude
    At least you, who own like, 4 million (maybe even more in the future), still think of those poor people

  2. max is 5 nw.. haha.. so dun worry if u fail.. it's d system.. nt u.. hehe..

  3. I mean collecting more As in the future lar!
    Not collecting As in STPM again!

  4. yea.. dat's wat i mean.. there's A+ here.. haha.. A & A+ carry 5pts..

  5. Yea, agree with you..That's why we were 30 years behind the developed countries...=)

  6. rest whole yr and study 1 week. PERFECTO

  7. dude, just read your blogs..haha..nowadays there is too many school do not focus much on humanism, that's the reason why the teachers failed to concern others things than academics. I have read something about it long time ago, from a book by Tsunesaburo Makiguchi, an educator of Japan. I think it's worth reading! Cheers, and take care

  8. yea.. i think it's time 2 stop memorizing n start learning..

  9. Maybe it's shit. But know what's good about shit? You'll be shit-proof after going through it!!!
    (Man, it rhymes)

    Here's another ironic thing. The failed ed system somehow made us realized that it failed?

    Still think that learning has alot got to do with self. The system is just a stimulus and ideally, it should make us self-sufficient in studying. But even if it doesn't, there's still ourselves to fall to.

  10. makes sense.. no matter wat type of education scheme we go through, it's d students who determine hw much they wanna gain frm it. even if they gt quality education, how much they absorb is up to them. bottom line is, education, or lack of it, depends mostly on students. no point blaming anybody for ur failure to learn..

  11. i once did a comparison between the education system between malaysia n singapore and the gap is as huge!
    all in all, it was nicely said. ^_^
